On January 1st I decided to make the decision to become a vegan, and exactly today it will be two months eating this way. So I thought it would only be right to blog about my experience as a vegan, with all my successes and failures. Before I get into the rest of this short post, I would also like to add that I still stand by all the original reasons I set out to become one in the first place, even if everything hasn't worked out quite to my plan.
I must say that I think have may been a little overly ambitious, which I think we sometimes do when we feel passionate and enthusiastic about something. In the first few weeks and month, I did really well. I drank no milk, ate no cheese or eggs. If I fancied eggs I would make myself some scrambled tofu which might I add, is lovely! And not to be compared to scrambled egg! And eating out was no bother either. But then at the beginning of February onwards I started to slip and had an egg or two, and now I have started eating eggs now and again.
In a way, I'm happy that I decided to become a vegan. Because for two months, well..almost-I experienced something different. And not only did it benefit me, it benefited the animals and environment greatly too! My skin has been clearer, my eyes have been brighter, and my digestive system has thanked me also. Now, I have decided to stick to no milk, no cheese (apart from the very occasional bit if I eat out) and eggs once or twice a week.
Plus scrambled tofu because I love that too. :)
What are your thoughts and experiences on removing animal products from your diet? I'd love to hear from you, comment below!
Love always,
Emily X
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