Friday, 31 October 2014

Making the most of a winter cold + 3 natural ways to get better faster!

So the past few days I've had a terrible cold, and as much as I'm hoping it will be the last this winter, it probably won't! In the past I've usually been very miserable and have looked at being poorly as a bad thing, and although it is quite, I think everyday is precious and we should always try to make the best out of what we're given. And although we can't always control what happens to us, we can control how we deal with it. Here are some of the things that really helped me and I hope some of these ideas will help you to make the most out of the days when you're not 100%.

Be thankful

I put this one at the top of my list because I think when you have thankfulness you have happiness, and when you have happiness you have everything. It's not always easy to do but it can help you appreciate things so much more, even the little things. And I'm sure when you're happy your immune system will be much stronger too.

Cuddle up with your favourite blanket

When the cold weather rolls back around its lovely to get all cosy on the settee with your favourite blanket or jumper. I think its one of the best things about this season, and the perfect addition to the other things on my list.

Enjoy a mug of homemade soup

My mum absoloutely LOVES making homemade soups, especialy leek and potato and tomato and lentil, but on Tuesday she tried making roasted tomato and red pepper for the first time and it turned out really really nice. I don't usually like soup that much but this one was beautiful and so comforting. Making your own homemade soups and freezing them for later is so much better than bought ones as they have so much more goodness and you know whats gone into them. Some other seasonal soups you could try are butternut squash (another favourite of mine), carrot and coriander, and pumpkin.

Watch Disney movies

For me a cosy day in wouldn't be complete without a disney film to watch. For a lot of years I had missed out on watching many disney films and didn't really have the chance to enjoy and appreciate them, and in the past year I've been catching up on all those lost years! My heart always becomes full again after watching them and I don't think you're ever too old to enjoy one.

3 Natural Ways To Get Better Faster

1. Drink plenty of water- Drinking lots of water helps you stay hydrated and flushes out any bad toxins in the body.

2. Have lots of green juices- (For extra goodness to fight colds it's great to add a supplement. I love to add Organic Burst's Wheatgrass, Spirulina and Chlorella, you can get them from their website here

3. Eat good food- (Tip:add turmeric to your food for an extra immunity boost. I like to have it in my omelettes and curries)

So there are my top tips for making the most of a winter cold! I hope these help and if there are any things that help you on the days when you're not so good feel free to comment below, I'd love to hear your ideas and suggestions:) Have a blessed day!

Emily X

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